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Hi Stefania,I understand that the Cassette Mate software is not working with Windows 8.1. Do you get any error message?You might be facing this issue because of compatibility issues. I suggest you to try to install the software in compatibility mode and check if it helps.You can follow the link given below to install the software in compatibility mode.What is program compatibility?Make older programs compatible with this version of WindowsHope it resolves the issue.If the issue persists or if you face any Windows issues in future, let us know and we would be glad to assist you. I just realized your problem relates to Win 8. I had same problem with Lenovo running Win 7, so maybe it's still valid. I have no experience with 8, but I'm guessing it works about the same.

Cassette Mate For Windows 10

The problem is not the software, but the driver for the player.When you attach the player via USB, Win will either load the driver, or simply 'thunk' depending on whether you attached it previously. After driver has loaded, hit, and you should see under UNSPECIFIED, 'SSS USB Audio Device'.Right click and open. The playback tab should 'green check' the 'SSS USB Audio Device' as your default speaker. Recording tab should 'green check' it as the default microphone. Highlight it and click. Click tab andadjust the level.Unfortunately, I still couldn't get it to work as a playback device, meaning you still need to monitor playback thru a headset attached to the player. Even with this fix, I couldn't get the software to playback the recordings, it would simply freeze, althoughit would allow me to delete previous recordings.If this doesn't help your software problem, Audacity will also work, although it is much more robust program.

Driver Windows 7 Ultimate

Cassette mate driver windows 7 64 bit

Driver Windows 7 Free Download

Cassette Mate Driver Windows 7

Once in Audacity, you need to select 'SSS USB Audio Device' as your recording device.Let us know if this works out for you.Good Luck.