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Shoot a thon fundraiser formThon

Read A Thon Fundraisers

Our student-athletes will be participating in a 'Shoot-a-Thon' fundraiser.On September 10th,at DeMatha Convocation Center,our student-athletes will each shoot 100 freethrows and their results will beaccurately tabulated and recorded. Prior to this event, each student-athlete willask family, friends and program supporters to assist them in their fundraisingefforts by pledging a specific amount of money for each freethrow they make outof 100.The money raised will be used to supplement our athletic budget so that our children's athletic experience will be enhanced. Upon completionof the 'Shoot-a-Thon', you can check back to this website and we will post howeach individual student-athlete performed and how much money we raised as a team.Won't you please help our fundraising efforts by sponsoring a student-athletetoday and make a pledge amount for every freethrow your sponsored student-athletemakes out of 100. A flat donation amount is certainly welcome as well.We have provided you with three convenient ways to donate to our 'Shoot-a-Thon'.Click the ' link now for more details andto make a donation. If you should have any questions regarding our fundraisingprogram, please feel free to drop us a note by clicking the ' link.