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“I spent virtually no effort moving it over, I just replaced all the CS2 nki’s with CSS nki’s and it just worked. Remarkable how playable it is with minimal programming.

  1. Cinematic Studio Strings Review
  2. Cinematic Strings Fl Studio

Cinematic Studio Strings Review


All I had to do was apply around a -100 ms offset to the tracks to get it to line up.”Nabeel captured some screen grabs of each of his midi parts which I have posted at the bottom of the page as well as rendered out each of the 4 mic options for both Cinematic Studio Strings and Cinematic Strings 2 for us to hear bare with no other instruments – below.MIXED MIC OUTPUTSole Theme – CSS Cinematic Studio Strings Render (Mixed Mic)Sole Theme using CS2 Cinematic Strings 2 Render (Mixed Mic)“Absolutely nothing was mixed, or tweaked. Cisco set top box cracked. Everything was normalized to 0.0db mic volume, -6.0dB Kontakt nki volume (the default). No panning or EQ, no external reverb. What you hear is exactly what comes in the library when you launch it.”CLOSE MIC OUTPUTSole Theme using CSS Cinematic Studio Strings (Close Mic)Sole Theme using CS2 Cinematic Strings 2 (Close Mic).

Cinematic Strings Fl Studio

MIDI file of the String PartsOTHER CSS OUTPUTSSole Theme – CSS Cinematic Studio Strings Render (Main Mic)Sole Theme – CSS Cinematic Studio Strings Render (Room Mic)OTHER CS2 OUTPUTSSole Theme – CS2 Cinematic Strings 2 Render (Room Mic)Sole Theme – CS2 Cinematic Strings 2 Render (Stage Mic)Nabeel Ansari thoughts:“I like the slow legato of CSS better, it feels more apparent and satisifying, but once they both come into full voicing in the theme, both libraries sound pretty amazing.Just goes to show, CS2 is still an incredibly strong and good-sounding library. I don’t consider CSS a replacement for it, I think they both have a solid tone that’s useful depending on application. On a pure value perspective for the composer who doesn’t have all the money in the world, I’d recommend CSS to any newcomer simply because it’s a little more refined in the interface and has a wider set of articulations.As a listener myself I agree with Nabeel’s findings and hope to get a chance to do an in-depth review of CSS to share with you sometime in the future.Big thanks to for sharing his comparison! Advertising and Affiliate StatementSample Library Review (SLR) accepts advertising revenue and has partnered with several affiliate programs.Please note that some of the links on the site are affiliate links, and at no additional cost to you, Sample Library Review will earn a commission if users decide to make a purchase. This income helps us to keep the site going and compensate our contributors for their hard work.Please understand that Sample Library Review recommends products because they are helpful and useful, not because of the small commissions made if you decide to buy something. Please do not spend any money on these products unless you feel you need them or that they will help you achieve your goals.