I tried adding a standard ASP button to call the function, but I'm once again getting the A data source instance has notbeen supplied for the data source 'DirectToExcelDataACTGACTUALCASH' error. I converted your code into VB, so maybe something got lost in translation along the way.
Here is my code I tried adding a standard ASP button to call the function, but I'm getting theA data source instance has not been supplied for the data source 'MyDataSetDataTable1' error on button click. So it appears I'm doing something wrong when setting up the dataset and creating the report datasource.I converted your code into VB, so maybe something got lost in translation along the way. Below is my code. The error is coming from the datasource obviously. It looks like your not passing in the correct data source name the report elements are tryin to bind to.You are trying to bind it to 'DataTable1' but it looks its trying to bind to MyDataSetDataTable1 if you copy and pasted that. The best way to find out is to fire up visual studio. Do the following:1: Open your website2: Right Click on your RDLC file and click Open With.3: Select XML Editor and click Ok4: Look for the tag, and then look for the element inside of it.5: Copy the name6: Paste that name into your code where it currently says 'DataTable1'Save it and fire it up and try again.
Gentlemen,This looks exactly like what I am needing myself! I am extremely new at SSRS Reporting, and still pretty green in.Net coding as well, so let me say thank you in advance for answering my simplistic questions.I'm needing the VB version of this code, it looks like you just created a seperate class for this code? If so, how/where are you calling it from your Report Viewer codebehind? I know that Scott says to call it from the ReportViewer.LocalReport.Renderfunction, but when I look at my method options for the ReportViewer class the only Render method I see is the PreRender method - is this where I call it from?Thanks again for your help!. My apologies, I asked my questions before I took time to study what was going on.after taking a closer look I think I have a good grasp for what's happening here.
Since this is something I think I'll be doing fairly often - sending the report outputstraight to PDF, I decided to create a separate class for the code. Below is what I have so far.I am stuck with one spot, and I'm hoping maybe you all can help me with it.
My.rdlc is using a stored procedure with one parameter getting passed in, which is a Session variable. I set up the call to the stored procedure inside of the.rdlc. I've playedaround with how to make this work in my function, but no matter what I do it keeps erroring out when calling the ReportViewer.LocalReport.Render method. I have tried commenting out the dataset, as you see below, and also commenting out the creation of theReportDataSource altogether.
This feels like something simple that I'm overlooking. I'm going to keep playing around myself, but am hoping somebody can help save me some time! I did it, and I am so pleased with myself! It takes so little to make me happyBelow is the class I created to send the results of an SSRS report directly to a PDF file. I'm going to clean it up just a little bit more, so that the hard-coded stuff is passed in as parameters, but hopefully this will help anybody else who is lookingto do something similar. HTTPS uses SSL certificates and that is managed by IIS, not the aspx pages themselves or in your code.You will need to either create a certificate on your own using Certificate Authority in Windows if this is an internal website only, however if this is a generic website for many users on the internet then you will want to purchase an SSL cert from a reputableservice such as Godaddy.com or NetworkSolutions.comWhen you get your certificate you'll import it into your IIS website and setup the appropriate SSL settings against the website in IIS Manager. The report i use is rptfouten.rdlc and de bindingsource I use is:.
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Report Data Source = 'gegevensfouten'. Data Source instance = ViewoverzichtBindingsourceDo I have to note that also?
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