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The all-new Study Guide for Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology offers valuable insights and guidance that will help you quickly master anatomy and physiology. This study guide features detailed advice on achieving good grades, getting the most out of the textbook, and using visual memory as a learning tool.
It also contains learning objectives, unique study tips, and approximately 4,000 study questions with an answer key – all the tools to help you arrive at a complete understanding of human anatomy. Study guide chapters mirror the chapters in the textbook making it easy to jump back and forth between the two during your reading.
Approximately 4,000 study questions in a variety of formats – including multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, and labeling – reinforce your understanding of key concepts and content. Chapters that are divided by the major topic headings found in the textbook help you target your studies.
Learning objectives let you know what knowledge you should take away from each chapter. Detailed illustrations allow you to label the areas you need to know.
Study tips offering fun mnemonics and other learning devices make even the most difficult topics easy to remember. Flashcard icons highlight topics that can be easily made into flashcards. Answer key lists the answers to every study question in the back of the guide. The all-new Study Guide for Essentials of Anatomy & Physiology offers valuable insights and guidance that will help you quickly master anatomy and physiology. This study guide features detailed advice on achieving good grades, getting the most out of the textbook, and using visual memory as a learning tool. It also contains learning objectives, unique study tips, and approximately 4,000 study questions with an answer key - all the tools to help you arrive at a complete understanding of human anatomy.
Study guide chapters mirror the chapters in the textbook making it easy to jump back and forth between the two during your reading. Approximately 4,000 study questions in a variety of formats - including multiple choice, matching, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, and labeling - reinforce your understanding of key concepts and content. Chapters that are divided by the major topic headings found in the textbook help you target your studies.
Learning objectives let you know what knowledge you should take away from each chapter. Detailed illustrations allow you to label the areas you need to know. Study tips offering fun mnemonics and other learning devices make even the most difficult topics easy to remember. Flashcard icons highlight topics that can be easily made into flashcards. Answer key lists the answers to every study question in the back of the guide. Get 12 months FREE access to an interactive eBook.
when you buy the paperback! (Print paperback version only, ISBN 465) Drawing together the best of text, video and interactive material for the complete A&P learning resource for nurses. Effective, holistic nursing is impossible without a firm grasp of how the human body functions but knowledge of the scientific theory on its own is not enough.
Using the person-centred practice framework as a guiding principle, this book brings anatomy and physiology to life combining the best of print and online learning into one integrated package. Key features Connects theory with nursing practice exploring the science from the perspective of a fictional family Supported by a rich array of video material including interactive figures, animations and mini-tutorials – perfect for visual learners Full of engaging activities designed to complement self-directed learning A bank of 170 online multiple choice questions and over 800 flashcards – ideal for revision and consolidating knowledge Written with the needs of nurses firmly in mind, focusing on the essential information More than just a book! Each purchase includes 12 months access to an interactive eBook version which seamlessly blends the traditional textbook format with the best of online learning. Students can study when and how they want and make use of additional tools including search, highlighting, annotation note sharing and much more. The book is also supported by a SAGE Edge website containing complete access to videos, animations, student revision material and action plans. Lecturer resources to support your teaching, including downloadable figures from the book and a test bank of questions for assessment use, are also available.
Visit to find out more.interactivity only available through Vitalsource eBook. Ball's Study Guide for Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4th Edition is a comprehensive learning tool designed to help you better understand the terminology and concepts presented in Solomon's text.
Its Table of Contents mirrors that of the text's, and its new matching exercises and jumble games, fill-in-the-blank study questions, labeling exercises, crossword puzzles, and more give you a fun way to test your mastery of the material. Updated with new content and art, this engaging Study Guide provides you with the tools you need to learn the language of anatomy and physiology.
Labeling exercises, consisting of art from the textbook, reinforce understanding of where the structures of the body are located. Multiple choice end-of-chapter tests immediately let you know if you have mastered the content of that chapter, and better prepare you for multiple choice quizzes and exams in class. Chapter outlines and learning objectives from the textbook highlight essential content and the objectives you should master before beginning the exercises.
Crossword puzzle activities encourage the use of new vocabulary words and emphasize the proper spelling of terms. Fill-in-the-blank exercises help you master and retain information in a fun and engaging way. Answers to exercises on Evolve so you can use this Study Guide to test your knowledge. All-new matching exercises and jumble games, mixed with traditional fill-in-the-blank questions, create more variety and give you more options for study. Updated content and art reflects changes made to the new edition of the text - and provides you with the tools you need to learn and master the concepts presented in the text.
For one-semester Anatomy & Physiology courses. Focus on the Essential What, How, & Why of Human Anatomy & Physiology With the 12th Edition of Essentials of Human Anatomy and Physiology, science educator Suzanne Keller joins bestselling author Elaine Marieb in helping learners focus on the essential What, How, & Why of A&P, without getting sidetracked in unnecessary details. Thoroughly updated with dozens of new figures, photos, and current information on medical recommendations and terminology, the 12th Edition continues to set the standard for brief, accessible one-semester A&P texts. The authors’ hallmark clear and friendly writing style has been strengthened with familiar analogies and abundant mnemonic cues that help in learning and remembering concepts. Continuing to offer just the right balance of anatomy, physiology, and clinical coverage, engaging new chapter previews help learners hone in on what structures and functions they are studying, how they function, and why they are important to learn.
Also available with Mastering A&P or as a standalone Pearson eText Mastering™ A&P is an online homework, tutorial, and assessment program designed to engage students and improve results. Instructors ensure that students arrive ready to learn by assigning educationally effective content before class, and encourage critical thinking and retention with in-class resources such as Learning Catalytics™. Students can further master concepts after class through assignments that provide hints and answer-specific feedback. With a wide range of activities available, students can actively learn, understand, and retain even the most difficult concepts. New vocabulary-building activities and Interactive Physiology 2.0 tutorials expand the options for students to use Mastering A&P as an effective practice and learning tool. Pearson eText allows educators to easily share their own notes with students so they see the connection between their reading and what they learn in class—motivating them to keep reading, and keep learning.
Portable access lets students study on the go, even offline. And, reading analytics offer insight into how students use the eText, helping educators tailor their instruction. Note: You are purchasing a standalone product. Students, if interested in purchasing this title with Mastering A&P or as a Pearson eText, ask your instructor for the correct package ISBN and Course ID. Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information.
Learn to master the core terms, concepts, and processes of human anatomy and physiology! Corresponding to the chapters in Thibodeau and Patton's Structure & Function of the Body, 15th Edition, this engaging study guide contains variety of exercises, activities, and anatomy drawings to help you easily review, retain, and apply important A&P concepts! Brief synopsis of the core concepts from the textbook provides a comprehensive review of essential content. Diagrams, labeling exercises, and coloring exercises reinforce where the structures of the body are located. Crossword puzzles and word finds help readers master new vocabulary terms. Application questions ask readers to make judgments based on the information in the chapter.
Matching and fill-in-the-blank exercises help readers better understand chapter content. Study tips in the preface provide insights on the most effective methods for learning and retaining information.
Answers to exercises in the back of the book include references to the appropriate textbook page to give readers instant feedback. Updated art throughout enhances learning by presenting anatomy even more clearly. Students learn best when they can relate what they are studying to familiar issues, problems, and experiences, and Introduction to Human Anatomy and Physiology, 4th Edition does just that. With a clear and concise focus on anatomy and physiology, this new edition explains the normal structure of the human body and how it functions to maintain a state of balance and health - and covers need-to-know principles in an easy-to-understand manner. It focuses on how tissues, organs, and body systems work together to carry out activities such as maintaining body temperature, regulating blood pressure, learning, and responding to stress. Completely updated with a brand new art program, this engaging, user-friendly text clarifies concepts that are often difficult for various career-level health professions students to grasp through reading only.
Tools for Learning pedagogical approach ties together learning objectives, Quiz Yourself boxes, and chapter summaries to help summarize key material, identify important topics, and seamlessly test your comprehension as you work through the text. Concept-statement headings and subheadings, clearly visible throughout the text, transform simple descriptions into key ideas that you should learn in each section of content. Need-to-know information includes only basic anatomy and physiology content to avoid causing confusion. Chapter outlines at the beginning of each chapter provide a brief synopsis of the chapter and act as a guide for you to prioritize topics. Learning objectives appear after main headings to help you concentrate on important information.
Chapter summaries illustrate how the topics covered in each chapter support the learning objectives. Quiz Yourself boxes at the end of each major section reinforce information as it is learned, measure mastery of learning objectives, and test your knowledge and comprehension of key topics within the chapter. Glossary, including key terms, pronunciations, definitions, and chapter references, emphasizes and defines essential terminology. Key terms, presented with pronunciations in bold throughout the text, show you what terminology is critical to gaining a solid understanding of anatomy and physiology. Illustrated tables, with illustrations integrated into the rows and columns, bring tables to life and combine the functionality of succinct tabular material with the added visual benefit of illustrated concepts.
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A conversational style facilitates learning and ensures you are not intimidated. End-of-chapter quizzes consist of fill-in-the-blank, multiple choice, and new vocabulary matching exercises that let you evaluate your understanding of chapter content. You can find the answers on Evolve. Review questions, including labeling exercises, at the end of each chapter focus on important concepts and applications and allow you to relate structure to function. Study Guide, for sale separately, mirrors the text's Table of Contents and includes study questions, labeling exercises, and crossword puzzles that provide you with a fun way to reinforce concepts learned in the text. Evolve site provides support and guidance for new instructors with minimal teaching experience - and facilitates student learning through a variety of interactive and supplemental resources. Audio chapter summaries on Evolve can be downloaded to your MP3 player, providing you with an easy, portable way to reinforce chapter concepts.
Completely updated illustration program reinforces content and keeps the text fresh. Thoroughly updated content ensures material is accurate, current, and reflective of the latest research and topics related to anatomy and physiology. Key words with definitions and pronunciations, listed at the beginning of each chapter and in the Glossary, help reinforce your terminology comprehension. Matching vocabulary exercises added to chapter quizzes to help you identify important words and definitions. Answers to in-book questions on Evolve for instructors, instead of in the book, so instructors have the flexibility to provide or not provide answers to chapter quizzes and review questions from the book - and decide whether or not to use them for homework assignments.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book. Written by Elaine Marieb, this study guide can be used independently or in conjunction with any A&P book. It is designed to help you get the most out of your A&P classes and consists of a variety of activities that will engage you while helping you learn anatomy and physiology.
Coloring activities, At the Clinic application questions and Incredible Journey visualization exercises ask you to imagine yourself in miniature traveling through the human body, providing ample opportunities to practice what you've learned. The Tenth Edition is thoroughly updated with new At the Clinic application questions and Finale: Multiple Choice questions throughout and new coloring activities featuring new artwork.
For courses in 1- and 2-semester Anatomy & Physiology As an incredibly engaging study guide that can be used either independently or in conjunction with any A&P book, the Anatomy and Physiology Coloring Workbook helps students get the most out of their A&P classes. Elaine Marieb thoughtfully crafted the text to include a wide range of coloring activities and self-assessments. Students benefit from updated “At the Clinic” questions, a new major tissue figure, and updated terminology. Moreover, the text’s “Incredible Journey” visualization exercises take students on an exciting adventure through the human body. Each step they take leads them into an amazing world where they can learn more about anatomical structures and physiological functions.