After some research on Google I found that the root cause was JAR files signed with MD5 algorithms. Apparently Java/Oracle decided to play smart suddenly and now they are treating JAR files signed with keySize less than Java Now you can argue if this is secured? Duh, no but when you’re about to make a change and there’s no alternative, then this is a quick and dirty fix.
An alternative might be changing it to.
How To Install Xpi Inspector In Sap Pi
What is a XPI file?XPI files are used and created by a variety of Mozilla applications, including the Thunderbird email application and the Firefox Web browser. The files that contain the.xpi extension are very similar to zip files.
Sap Netweaver Developer Studio
When they are opened the files 'decompress' and install a browser extension into the Mozilla browser or Thunderbird application.To install an XPI file a user can simply drag and drop the file into the interface of the application the file is associated with. Common add-ons that use the.xpi extension include the Alexa and PR add-on indicator and other plug-ins that are essential to the operation of the Mozilla software applications.