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  1. Grade 7 English Book Pdf

New Oxford Modern English (NOME) is a complete English course and is currently used all over Pakistan, in the Middle East, and in other South Asian countries.It is hoped that this new edition will satisfy the demands of pupils, teachers, and parents—not an easy task, by any means—and that the teaching and learning of English will become an enjoyable and worthwhile experience for the user.For pupils, we have produced books and materials to capture the imagination and make lessons a pleasure rather than an imposition. The core materials—the student books and workbooks—are full of lively reading passages, attractive illustrations, and interesting, thought-provoking exercises. The books have been graded and structured in such a way that much self-learning can be done.For teachers, the core materials will make their task of teaching English much easier. We hope that teachers will take the time to go through this Guide in detail. It will explain why things are done in a particular way and how best to use the core materials.

The Teaching Guide contains detailed notes and information about each page of the text book and workbook, suggestions for various activities in class, lists of structures and vocabulary, and much more.Parents will appreciate that their children are being given the opportunity to learn English using the best tools available. Learning English, however, should not be confined solely to the classroom.Parents may take an active part in helping their children to learn by providing encouragement, and a peaceful and attractive environment at home.


Hopefully, parents will provide their children with good supplementary books and magazines to read, discuss school work, and speak in English whenever possible.


Grade 7 English Book Pdf

Complete English Smart Grade 7 Pdf

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