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  1. Bevington And Robinson Pdf To Excel Free
  2. David Bevington

Model-based data fitting analyses rely crucially on the choice of the correct model; model-free analyses allow insight into the data without prior chemical knowledge about the process. Model-free analysis is based on restrictions imposed on the results of the analysis. Only multivariate (for example, multi-wavelength) data are amenable to model-free analyses. The goal of the analysis is to decompose the matrix of data into a product of two physically meaningful matrices, usually into a matrix containing the concentration profiles of the components taking part in the chemical process, and a matrix that contains their absorption spectra (Beer–Lambert's law). If there are no model-based equations that quantitatively describe the data, model-free analyses are the only method of analysis.

Otherwise, the results of model-free analyses can guide the researcher in the choice of the correct model for a subsequent model-based analysis. The chapter also presents the important methods, principal component regression (PCR), and partial least-squares (PLS).

Bevington And Robinson Pdf To Excel Free

9780935702750 pdf

David Bevington

Both methods aim at predicting properties of samples based on spectroscopic information. The required information is extracted from a calibration set of samples with known spectrum and property. Previous chapter in volume. Next chapter in volume.